AVD Assessment and Management User Guide


This DEX Pack provides insights into the Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and virtual machine (VM) environment to determine who should migrate to an AVD product (multi-user or single session) and potential subscription cost.

Assessment Summary

You can estimate the approximate expense of AVDs based on use and if single or multi-session VMs meet your needs.

Sizing Recommendation

Determines if users are over provisioned, under provisioned, or right sized for Azure Virtual Machines.

Session Host Performance

Shows resource usage to identify users that may be better suited for physical systems based on high resource consumption.

Error Summary

Shows insight into errors related to VM sessions and actions to take to improve performance. Identifies machines and users that need quick fixes.

Assessment Summary

Azure Migrate

Azure VM sizes and pricing data is based on the Azure Migrate API. If this is not configured the results in the dashboard may be out of date.

The default data is based on information from Microsoft. See Show Advanced Options.

AVD Assessment Summary

This grid shows the AVD assessment including:

  • number of candidates,

  • monthly egress bandwidth,

  • and cost options.

AVD Suitability Summary

This graph shows the number of Suitable and Unsuitable units for either Single Session or Multi-Session


How AVD Suitability is Determined

Single Ideal Users:

Active average CPU Utilization (MIPS) less than single session MIPS
Average Active Memory Utilization (MB) less than Single Session Memory

Ideal Multi-Users

Active average CPU Utilization (MIPS) less than multi-session MIPS
Average Active Memory Utilization (MB) less than multi-session memory

User AVD Suitability

This grid shows a summary of AVD Suitability per user.

Advanced Options (Show)

Cost Estimator

Calculate an estimated number of Azure VMs needed and the expense based on thresholds in the dashboard. The Defaults are:

  • Currency Conversion Value (local: USD): 1.32

  • Max Ideal User Monthly Hours: 200

  • OS Memory Overhead (MB) 2000

Single Session Sizing

This grid lists the available single session Azure VMs. Included are the approximate Virtual CPU, MIPS,

RAM, and Disk. Based on these criteria, an approximate price per month and per year in U.S. Dollars is


  • Choose a Single Session Azure VM that fits your needs.

  • Single Session and Multi-Session results are shown independently in the Summary Grid

NOTE: The VMs listed are from a dataset that may be out of date. Configure the Azure API to get the latest results.

Multi-Session Sizing

This grid lists the available multi-session Azure VMs. Included are the approximate Virtual CPU, MIPS, Ram, and Disk. Based on these criteria, an approximate price per month and per year in U.S. Dollars is shown.

  • Choose a Multi-Session Azure VM that fits your needs.

  • If a different VM option is chosen, the data reflects that choice.

Sizing Recommendation

Sizing Summary

This graph shows the number of VMs that are Over provisioned, Under provisioned, or Right Sized.

Machine Rightsizing Summary Details

This grid lists systems that are:

  • over provisioned

  • under provisioned

  • right sized

and include:

  • Health Score,

  • Suggested Memory

  • Max Memory Usage

  • Suggested CPU

  • and more

To enter Resolve, double click the online system.

Machine Rightsizing Summary Details

This graph shows the physical and virtual systems in an enterprise.

Click the arrow next to Physical or Virtual for a full list of systems in the selected group.

Select the Sizing Type or use the Search for a System for details.

The sizing types are:

Green Right Sized
Blue Over-Provisioned
Purple Under-Provisioned

Double-click a system from the grid to enter SysTrack Resolve for an online system.

Factors that Influence Sizing Type

Graphics Index is over 75 % Heavy
Graphics index is between 10 and 75% Moderate
Graphics index is less than 10 Light
When Max Memory Capacity is between 80% and 100% Right Sized
Less than 80% Over Provisioned
Greater than 80% Under Provisioned
When 125% of Max CPU is at 80% to 100% Right Sized
Less than 80% Over Provisioned
Greater than 100% Under Provisioned

For Virtual Machines

When 125% of Max CPU is greater than 100% of capacity and system type Remove Cores
When 125% of Max CPU is less than 80% of capacity and system type Add Cores

For Physical Machines

When 125% of Max CPU utilization is less than 80% of CPU capacity and system type Remove Cores
When Free C-Drive percentage is between 10 and 75% free Right Sized
Less than 10% Under Provisioned
Over 75% Over Provisioned

Calculations for Memory Rightsizing

Calculations are based on maximum memory utilization and recommended memory size based on 125% of that value.

The sizing is split into buckets. with a different set of values for physical and virtual.

Recommendations for possible values:

If 125% of max memory utilization is between 0 and 4 GB, we recommend 4GB

4-8 8
8-12 12
12-16 16
16-20 20
20-24 24
24-28 28
28-32 32
32+ No change (Right Sized)


0-2 2
2-4 4
4-6 6
6-8 8
8-10 10
10-12 12
12-14 14
14-16 16
16-18 18
18-20 20
20-22 22
22-24 24
24-26 26
26-28 28
28-30 30
30-32 32
32+ No change (Right Sized)

If the recommendation matches the existing memory capacity of the system, then there is no change and it is Right Sized.

Overall Sizing Information

n If all 3 metrics (CPU, Max Memory Utilization, C-Drive Diskspace) says "no change", we say the system is "right sized"

n If any of the following is true, we say the system is "under-provisioned"

  • CPU recommendation is "add cores" or "over-utilized"

  • Memory recommendation is to increase memory size

  • Disk recommendation is "low space"

Any systems that do not meet the conditions listed above are "over-provisioned"

Application Resource Consumption

This grid shows resource use by application.

  • Enter the application name in the Entry Box.

  • Choose either 32-bit or 64-bit Architecture.

Session Host Performance

Overall CPU, Memory Utilization

This grid tracks how resources are used during a specified time.

Hover over a dot for information about a data point.

Last 30 Days Session Host Performance Trend

This graph shows the performance trend over the last 30 days for the selected metric.

You can hover over a dot for values.

Resource Utilization per Server

Choose a server to display details for Resource Utilization. Details of the selected server fill in the Resource Utilization per User, Selected Server Session Details, and Selected User Session Details tables.

Server Session Details (Selected)

This graph shows a specific server’s session, machine name, and other details.

Resource Utilization per User

This grid shows the average memory, disk, and CPU usage per user.

User Session Details (Selected)

This data shows who should have desktops or physical systems based on high resource consumption.

Error Summary

Click for Details

This pie chart shows the distribution of errors related to the AVD session during a specific time.

  • Select External or Internal as the Error Type

  • Select the Date Range

Internal and External Errors

This graph shows the number of external and internal errors during a specific time.

Select a dot for the specific time and type of error that occurred.

Details for Selected Errors

This grid lists the details for the selected error including:

  • time

  • activity

  • client IP address

  • Session Host

  • and other details